
When it is winter, many homeowners and residents become conscious about their comfort with regard to their heating system. It is no wonder that your furnace may face significant issues from time to time. If you require assistance identifying issues with your heating system, contact Arch Heating and Cooling Inc., to help you. We are a reputed HVAC repair service in Janesville, WI.

When you opt for on-time furnace service, you can prevent any damage from happening to your system. Many homeowners appear to miss out on these signs. This blog will help you identify these signs to repair your heating system.

Top Eight Signs That Indicate Your Heating System Needs Repair:

  • Deteriorated Indoor Air Quality

When your furnace doesn’t run correctly, your indoor air quality deteriorates. Your indoors will be dusty or hazy, no matter how much you clean. The heating system releases mildew, dirt, or other contaminants across your house. At this point, you need to replace the filters. If this doesn’t help, contact us for assistance.

  • Uneven Temperature Across Your House

Your house shouldn’t have any cold spots when the furnace runs efficiently. While this problem can be related to the ducts, the furnace system could also be at fault.

  • Unusual Sounds From The System

The heating system doesn’t make any sound like screeching, banging, or clanking. It indicates the furnace is no longer healthy. If you require a heating repair technician in Janesville, WI contact Arch Heating and Cooling Inc., to help you.

  • Consistent Thermostat Setting

When you keep adjusting the thermostat to meet your temperature requirement, the furnace has to put lots of effort into it. As a result, the system falters and fails to provide comfort.

  • Abnormal Pilot Flame

The gas furnace has a pilot light to ignite the system. If this pilot flame is any color but blue, the furnace is not working correctly. It indicates that the system contains rust and harmful materials inside. You should contact a professional immediately.

  • Constant Short-Cycling

It is known as short cycling when a furnace turns itself off and on for a shorter period. Such a problem means the heat exchanger is not in good condition. Sometimes, when the furnace doesn’t turn itself off during the operation, you need to contact a professional. Get in touch with Arch Heating and Cooling Inc., to help you. We are among the best HVAC repair experts in Janesville, WI.

  • Foul Odor

A foul smell from the system indicates that the furnace parts have burnt or grown mold and mildew inside. Such a condition can’t be good for health.

  • Abnormally High Electric Bill

You can blame the furnace system when you start getting abnormally high electric bills during the winter season. It means parts of your furnace have considerable wear and tear. As a result, the system has to work harder than usual to provide comfort for you and your family.


For heating repair service in Janesville, WI, contact Arch Heating and Cooling Inc. We are a professional HVAC service company with an excellent record over the past years. Our dedicated team of technicians can solve your furnace problem with ease. Call us at 608-362-4090